Temporary Categories and Job Class Codes

The Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Policy provides for three distinct categories of temporary positions. These categories support the workforce needs for staffing flexibility while remaining compliant with applicable laws, regulations, collective bargaining agreements and Rutgers’ policies. Class 3 and Class 4 employees may only hold one university appointment at a time (Matrix [320k PDF]).

Category Description Appointment Duration
Class 3 Short-Term Temporary This appointment should be used for short-term assignments of 50% or greater effort. Class 3 employees are non-exempt and are paid on a salary basis.

For more information reference the Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Policy (PDF)
Class 3 employees may be appointed for a period of up to one (1) year at a time and have a maximum service limit to two (2) years including breaks in service of less than six (6) months.

Exception: Maximum temporary appointments will continue to conform with the applicable collective bargaining assignments (PDF) (i.e., 9 and 16 months).
Class 4 Casual This appointment should be used for temporary assignments of less than 20 hours per week. Class 4 Casual employees may work a fixed, varied, or intermittent schedule, and are paid on an hourly basis.

For more information reference the Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Policy
Class 4 casual employees be appointed for a period of up to one (1) year at a time, and are eligible for reappointment.
Class 4 Seasonal This appointment should be used for seasonal assignments. Class 4 Seasonal employees may work 40 hours per week and are paid on an hourly basis.

For more information reference the Class 3 and Class 4 Employment Policy
Class 4 seasonal employees may be appointed for a period of up to six (6) months, and may be rehired after a continuous break in Rutgers service of at least three (3) months.

Exception: Special time limitations apply to Class 4 Seasonal Agriculture (30965) and Class 4 Seasonal Marine Field (31010) where these appointments can be extended an additional three months with OULR’s approval.

An extension form would need to be sent to OULR@OULR.Rutgers.edu for approval.

Job Codes Titles Appointment Length Reappointment/Extension Max Length
Class 3
03330 Clerical Assistant 12 Months 4 Months (With OULR Approval) 16 Months
03331 Laboratory/Technical Assistant 12 Months 4 Months (With OULR Approval) 16 Months
03332 Service/Maintenance Worker 6 Months 3 Months (With OULR Approval) 9 Months
03334 Professional/Research/Manager 12 Months 12 Months 24 Months
Class 4 Casual
04440 Clerical Assistant 12 Months   12 Months
04441 Laboratory/Technical Assistant 12 Months   12 Months
04442 Service/Maintenance Worker 12 Months   12 Months
04443 Unit Administrator/Specialist 12 Months   12 Months
04444 Professional/Research/Manager 12 Months   12 Months
Class 4 Seasonal
04610 Clerical Assistant 6 Months   6 Months
04620 Laboratory/Technical Assistant 6 Months   6 Months
04630 Service/Maintenance Worker 6 Months   6 Months
04640 Unit Administrator/Specialist 6 Months   6 Months
04650 Professional/Research/Manager 6 Months   6 Months
30965 Agriculture Worker 6 Months 3 Months (With OULR Approval) 9 Months
31010 Marine Field 6 Months 3 Months (With OULR Approval) 9 Months

Class 3 and Class 4 employees are not eligible for University salary improvement and/or incentive programs such as across-the-board increases, merit programs, or bonuses.
