Coadjutant - Class 8 Information

Salary provisions for coadjutant appointments are not governed by a collective negotiations agreement. Therefore, departments may establish appropriate pay rates for individual coadjutant appointments.

With the exception of administrative appointments for Chairs, Deans, or Directors, all Class 8 appointments must be entered into ROCS, no matter how long or short the appointment term.

Coad Teaching

Coad Casual- 99910 Teaching less than a full semester during an academic year and is not otherwise a regularly appointed employee.
Coad Casual- 99913 Teaching during an academic year and is regularly appointed employee 50% time or more.

Coad Non-Teaching

Coad Non-teaching – Requests for Non-teaching appointments require submission of Coadjutant Non-teaching (class 8) Request form (213k PDF).

Coad non-teaching appointments will only be approved by the Office of the Executive Dean in limited circumstances and based on compelling justification.

Coad Casual- 99912 Research and other non-teaching academic support duties when the individual is hired for less than a semester.
Coad Casual- 99911 Research and other non-teaching academic support duties when the individual's appointment is for a full fall or spring semester.